Most Artificial Sweeteners Lead To Toxic Gut Bacteria

Four of the seven volunteers showed a poorer glycemic response at the end of the week compared to their baseline responses. Those who showed no metabolic response to the sweetener had no change in their gut microbiomes, while those who exhibited the worst glycemic responses at the end of the week showed a different gut microbiota profile after sweetener exposure. Fecal transplants from two artificial sweetener-responder volunteers into germ-free mice resulted in a similar gut microbe profile and glucose intolerance as did transplants from saccharin-consuming mice. But the same transplants from two non-responder volunteers had no such effect in germ-free mice. This can result in the greater formation of biofilms and the adhesion/ invasion of bacteria into human gut cells, potentially leading to sepsis and multiple-organ failure”. He also added that “there is a lot of concern around the consumption of artificial sweeteners with some studies showing that they can affect the layer of bacteria which supports the gut and gut microbiota”.

  • Second, maple syrup, agave, and honey at least have some nutrients , so they can offer a bit more nutritionally than artificial sweeteners.
  • “While I wouldn’t go as far as to say you need to cut certain foods out of your diet forever—food is about enjoyment too, after all—limiting highly processed foods loaded with additives and salt will do you and your gut microbes good,” says Rossi.
  • Research shows that sweeteners can trigger these receptors and cause the release of certain glucose-related hormones, but it’s so far not clear that this causes a change in blood sugar in humans.
  • First, it wasn’t “bacteria found in the digestive system” that “became toxic”, it was genetically modified bacteria that showed a toxic response.
  • Similar observations were found comparing the intestinal microbiota of children in a rural village in Africa with an urban area in Europe, where composition of diet is dramatically impacted by the Western diet .
  • They are a substitute for sugar in processed foods and beverages.
  • And Bacteroides J-37 and to 18β-glycyrrhetic acid 3-O-monoglucuronide by Bacteroides J-37 and Streptococcus LJ-22.
  • They’re sometimes known as “added sugars” because they’re added to foods during processing.
  • They next wanted to look at microbial function, and this is where the technology gets really cool.
  • Repeating the experiment with different types of mice and different doses of the artificial sweeteners produced the same results – the artificial sweeteners were somehow inducing glucose intolerance.
  • While I was still addicted to sugar and craving the taste of sweets, I switched to the “sugar free” sugar alcohol versions of treats.
  • This is the hormone that controls blood sugar levels and gives you feelings of satiety after you’ve eaten.
  • Sucralose is one of the top artificial sweeteners that’s used globally in reduced-calorie and diet foods and beverages.

In the next study, fecal contents were transferred from mice consuming saccharin or the control into germ-free, new mice. Mice who received the fecal transplants from the saccharin-consuming mice had impaired glucose intolerance curves, whereas the mice who received fecal transplants from the control group did not¹. In contrast, carbohydrate absorption and metabolism pathways were activated in treated male animals, which corresponded to the large increase in Bacteroides. Specifically, genes involved in sugar and xylose transport, glycolysis and the TCA cycle were increased, as shown in Fig 3A and 3B.

For every one human cell in our body , there are about 10 microbes. Keeping all those bugs happy—including, perhaps, keeping them away from artificial sweeteners—could help keep our bodies healthy and happy too. But there are some serious claims about artificial sweeteners, this post clears them up .

Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe Then?

But these findings highlight that artificial sweeteners may not be the healthiest alternative. But a growing amount of studies show that artificial sweeteners may have counterintuitive effect on weight gain. According to a study published in Physiology & Behavior, artificial sweeteners mess with our brain chemistry, increasing the craving for more fattening sugars, starches, and carbohydrates.

I guess I would not be inclined to eat artificial sweeteners in an attempt to see if they triggered a seizure. I think part of the reason for this is that generally speaking, people who eat poorly know they’re eating poorly and would rather have their cake and eat it too. They know soda is bad for them and that apples are good for them. That sitting all day long doesn’t expend a lot of energy and running the back hills for a half hour does. Researchers actually went much further than you assume and used microbe transplants to show that the gut microbiome from the sugar-fed mice rescued the artificial-sweetener-fed mice. And that similar transplants in the other direction resulted in the bad outcomes in the sugar-fed mice.

Artificial Sweeteners Increased Bacterial Adhesion And Invasion Of Gut Cells

Yeah, I’d be interested to know the effect of something like stevia extract on gut bacteria. Six of the most common artificial sweeteners were tested on the bacterial assay and their results reported and discussed separately. Another sequence of assays was run on a panel of sports supplements with varying sweeteners. It looks to me like the only reason for grouping these chemicals was practical – they have interchangeable dietary uses, so it’s helpful to observe their varying responses on a single test. 2) Due to the very high sweetness levels compared to sugar, even if the artificial sweetener is many times worse than sugar per volume, it is still safer due to only 1/2k being actually being used.

Just because it is a “natural” sugar doesn’t mean it is a calorie free or healthier sugar. These sugar substitutes, because they provide additional nutrition compounds, are a better alternative to straight sugar. They also have other benefits, for example, honey has anti-inflammatory purposes, and manuka honey can be used for the erradication of H pylori.

Best And Worst Foods To Eat For Gut Health

This may lead to a host of digestive and gastrointestinal woes. That’s not the only study to look at this, but it’s untrue to say Splenda and Equal definitely harm your gut. But the FDA has approved it, and all of those studies exceeded the FDA’s recommended daily limit, which is 15 milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight per day.

Most types of sugar added to baked desserts and processed foods wreak havoc on our body’s systems, especially our microbiome. That said, the researchers aren’t certain, since they only tested What’s the difference between standard and Sugar Free CBD Gummies? the effects on E. “My recommendation is to not use artificial sweeteners,” Ariel Kushmaro, a professor of microbial biotechnology at Ben-Gurion University, told Business Insider.

Health Benefits Of Probiotics In The Gut

To take this further, the team worked with seven regular sweetener consumers and gave them the maximum daily amount of sweetener recommended by the American FDA, split into three doses to be taken throughout the day. This study was just a preliminary taste, albeit an important one. “Real life is just more complicated,” Rother, who was not involved in the study, told Live Science. The team found that the stevia herb supplement had an ‘inhibitory effect on bacterial communication’, while the purified stevia extract showed ‘a molecular interaction and possible interruption of bacterial communication’. More recently, research specifically on stevia found it might have some unwanted side-effects on the gut.

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The sweeteners most associated with these bacteriostatic effects were ace-K, saccharin, and sucralose. It reveals that these pathogenic bacteria can attach to, invade and kill Caco-2 cells, important epithelial cells that line the lining of the intestine. After seven days, four out of seven participants had begun to develop glucose intolerance. The evolution of their gut bacteria over the course of the week might explain why.

And in 2015, many in the gastroenterology field were looking into the role that aspartame and other artificial sweeteners played in holistic health, Scientific American reports. Though the findings are preliminary, four out of the seven human volunteers eating a diet high in a specific artificial sweetener developed impaired glucose metabolism, a major warning sign for type 2 diabetes. Manufacturers of artificial sweeteners have been claiming for decades that sugar substitutes pass through the gut undigested. The study indicated that artificial sweeteners can alter the bacterial balance in the large intestines, which weakens the immune system.

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It is known for being calorie-free and commonly being blended with other artificial sweeteners due to its bitter aftertaste. Sucralose is a synthetic derivative to sucrose with zero calorie content. This artificial sugar substitute is most associated with the sweetener, Splenda, which is used to replace sugar in cooking and baking.


It’s important to introduce things slowly and always run a dietary change past your doctor before adding it to your regular menu. Sample size of one here, but no amount of additional exercise or any other dietary change has ever helped my weight or overall energy level as switching from Coke to Diet Coke many years ago. Probably like many things, there are just too many variables to say A is good and B is bad.

Avoid Gluten, Flours Made From Grains, And Sugars

Numerous studies confirm that artificial sweeteners are generally safe in limited quantities, even for pregnant women. Artificial sweeteners work by triggering the same sensory cells in our taste buds that send signals to our brain when we taste something sweet, like sugar, explains Grieger. And because artificial sweeteners are between 200 and 20,000 times sweeter than sugar, manufacturers can use so little in their formulation that they add almost no calories whereas the same amount of sweetness from sugar would have more calories. Devaraj said she would like to know whether the pre-diabetes symptoms that the mice developed after consuming artificial sweeteners would lead to full-blown diabetes over time.

Both of those are sugar alcohols, and as such have laxative effects, among other things. Humans don’t absorb xylitol well (it’s only partially digestible and some of it acts as dietary fiber, sort of), and we don’t metabolize what we do absorb very efficiently. The difference is likely in both the dose relative to body weight, and the intensity . It is already happening with all those people drinking soda. The validity low carb diets is generally orthogonal to artificial sweeteners and probably should not be conflated. So instead they look for more efficient routes at attempting care.

C&H brand sucrose, Flinn brand lactose, maltose, and dextrose, NectaSweet brand saccharin, Acros Organics brand cyclamate, and Bulk Supplements brand sucralose and aspartame were used as sweeteners. All materials were moved to the hood and 3 control petri dishes were filled with nutrient agar solution. Beverages are the leading category source of added sugar, clocking in at nearly half of the total added sugar consumed by Americans. Limiting sugar-sweetened beverages is crucial in lowering the risk for obesity, which is a risk factor for at least 12 different kinds of cancer.

Gut Bacteria, Artificial Sweeteners And Glucose Intolerance

For example, eating red meat could be particularly bad for individuals harboring high levels of bacteria that produce a metabolite that has been linked to atherosclerosis. It contains antioxidants, zinc, calcium, vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, phosphorous, potassium, iron and enzymes. These ingredients help neuter free radicals and promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. While you can use pasteurized honey, the process it goes through makes it lose a lot of the health benefits associated with raw honey. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, previous research found that sugar substitutes can cause brain tumors and bladder cancer. Artificial sweeteners also increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, stroke and high blood pressure.

Artificial Sweeteners Damaging The Gut?

America’s obesity epidemic continues to grow, and it coincides with an increase in the widespread use of non-nutritive artificial sweeteners including aspartame, sucralose, saccharin and sugar alcohols. A 2018 study published in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases also revealed that the artificial sugar, sucralose and maltodextrin, intensifies gut inflammation in mice that carry Crohn’s-like diseases. Specifically, the artificial sweetener increases the number of Proteobacteria — a microbe bacteria associated with E.

That toxic effect makes it difficult for gut microbes to grow and reproduce. A new study published in the journal Molecules analyzed the toxicity of sweeteners found within ten different sports supplements available to consumers. The study itself was conducted in part by teams of researchers scattered across departments at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of Georgia, and North Carolina State University. It found that six common artificial sweeteners can inadvertently harm your gut health, which has been linked to many aspects of holistic health, including obesity and bowel cancer. As a whole, this research suggests a healthy diet is even more important than previously believed.

However, these claims came from rat studies, and have since been discredited. In fact, the risk of developing bladder cancer appears to be the same in those who have diabetes and may use sweeteners more often and the incidence of the disease did not appear to escalate in World War II when saccharin consumption was high . Thirdly researchers believe that the consumption of artificial sweeteners disrupts appetite control and the ability to regulate calorific intake. According to research published in 2011, rat models showed that the consumption of artificial sweeteners reduced the ability to distinguish between sweet tastes and impaired the ability to regulate intake of sweet and high calorie or high-fat food. A series of studies showed that mice given artificial sweeteners had blood sugar spikes in line with glucose intolerance. However, other studies found links between artificial sweetener use and brain changes.

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These studies indicate an increase in bacteria, such as Enterobacteriaceae, of which E. Coli is one, however this has been studied in whole microbiome rather than at the individual bacteria or molecular level. In the present study, we use an in vitro model of the gut and the microbiota to investigate the impact of sweeteners on potential changes in pathogenicity. These findings indicate that saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame all promote pathogenic changes in two model gut bacteria, E. Faecalis, which could worsen the effect of consuming artificial sweeteners in the diet on gut health.

However, research suggests one of the most popular — stevia — may not be good for our gut bacteria, which play a key role in a host of functions including immunity and mood. That’s why I like the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting – they detach me mentally and physically from the desire to eat highly stimulating foods. Paradoxically, I get more enjoyment out of eating real natural food than the artificial stuff because I know it’s better for me and that I’ve managed to master my urges. The only time when whey protein wouldn’t have a negative effect on ketosis would be after a resistance training workout when those amino acids would be shuttled into the cells with insulin.

Two new studies have reawakened a debate over the safety of artificial sweeteners, suggesting the chemicals may cause significant alterations in the make-up of out gut microbiome. My recent blog revealing a profound increased risk for developing diabetes in people who consume artificially sweetened beverages clearly struck a note, and with good reason. Et al. in 2015, tested the effect of saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, glucose, and sucrose on mice.

Some observational studies have linked eating artificial sweeteners to an increase in body mass index , while others have linked it to a modest decrease in BMI . However, the effects of artificial sweeteners on gut bacteria may vary widely from person to person. The findings, however, are met with objections from the International Sweeteners Association , which claims that current evidence show no adverse effect of low/no calorie sweeteners on gut microbiota. In a statement to StudyFinds, the agency strongly rejects the study.

Let’s see how these things pan out.” Then, the reports started to come through. There were all sorts of neurological problems associated with artificial sweeteners. As it turns out, bacteria in the human digestive tract are key players to in the proper digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. However, a careful balance of the right bacteria is needed to maintain a properly functioning system. Your gut microbiome is constantly at work to maintain good digestive health—or, you know, keep the grass green and flowers blooming. “Good bacteria in our gut lower inflammation, make us happy, lean, and give us longevity,” he says. Indeed, a flourishing digestive microbiome has been associated with better mental health , among other important health outcomes.

Mice aren’t humans and people actually tries to minimize suffering of the animals so this have been studied. In the former case, you get drowsy, fall asleep, and eventually asphyxiate. CO binds to hemoglobin, preventing your blood from taking up oxygen. You die of hypoxia, How to unclog your Vape for smoother hits? which is generally thought of being pretty painless. (If hypoxia were painful, then high-altitude mountaineering would be impossible, rather than just merely hard.) A similar death would occur in a depressurized airline cabin if you don’t put your mask on.

I had intended to cover artificial sweeteners in one post, but my research efforts quickly turned into a meta-analysis-esque project. For an analysis of the next 3 accusations against artificial sweetener intake , plus my overall recommendation and a breakdown of my personal consumption, tune in in two weeks for Artificial Sweeteners – A Free Lunch, or an Obesogenic Carcinogen? In the meantime, – I don’t think you have much to worry about, enjoy your diet soda and stevia packets in peace. Furthermore, the researchers behind this study had overweight and obese people consume either a quarter gallon of water, milk, regular soda, or diet soda every day for 6 months. By the end of the study, those in the diet soda group weighed 17–21% less, had 24–31% less belly fat, 32% lower cholesterol levels, and 10–15% lower blood pressure, compared with those in the regular soda group .

Oral Communications: Artificial Sweeteners Increase The Pathogenic Potential Of Model Gut Bacteria On The Intestinal Epithelium

There are specific taste receptors in your gut and on your cells that are designed to detect sugar in the bloodstream and whenever they taste artificial sweeteners, the pancreas is still going to release insulin as to store that energy. However, because there isn’t actually any real glucose there, the insulin release will be for nothing. CBD Gummies for Sale Doing this regularly will disrupt the gut and could make the cells resistant to insulin, which leads to diabetes and insulin resistance. One study done in the University of California-San Diego did fMRI scans on volunteers who took small sips of water sweetened with regular sugar or sucralose which is a common non-caloric sweetener.

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Animal studies confirm that the signal to the sweetness-activated area of the brain suggests that a handful of calories are on the way. When our brain uses sweetness to predict the number of calories we consume, a false signal will only serve to further ingratiate our appetite. The results don’t mean that eating sugar is healthier than consuming artificial sweeteners, study co-author Dr. Eran Elinav, a researcher at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, said at a news conference Tuesday (Sept. 16). However, the study does suggest that artificial sweeteners may be harmful, at least in some people, Elinav said. The negative effects of artificial sweeteners on metabolism seen in the study may have to do with how the sweeteners interact with the bacteria living the gut, the researchers said.

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A packet of artificial sweetener in your coffee or tea makes it a delicious morning dose. By consuming fake sweeteners, your body becomes more sugar intolerant, leading to increased blood sugar levels and greater chances of overeating (yikes!). The truth is – you might be better off with the real thing. Scroll down to find out how the majority of fake sugar substitutes out there might actually have a negative impact on your metabolism and overall gut health. In fact, aspartame, sucralose and saccharin were all found to alter the blood sugar levels of mice even more than regular sugar. Elinav and a collaborator, Eran Segal, PhD, spoke at a press conference held by Nature, the journal that published their team’s findings.

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The primary way to measure a specific food’s effect on blood glucose levels is the Glycemic Index . The total rise in blood glucose levels, or the “area under the curve,” for the following two hours is then compared to the effect of pure sugar on those levels. Foods with lower GI are going to be helpful to maintain a lower and healthier range after eating them compared to other high GI options.

Right now, the data just isn’t compelling enough to say aspartame will up your cancer risk, nor is there good human evidence to suggest that it increases your appetite. Also known as Splenda®, sucralose remains the world’s most popular artificial sweetener and generates over 30 percent of the industry’s total revenue. Most of it isn’t broken down by the body when you eat it, so it’s usually considered noncaloric. NHS-approved evidence-based behaviour change app for people with type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, obesity and those looking to optimise their health and wellbeing. The new research, led by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, discovered toxins are released when gut bacteria was exposed to the sweeteners. As little as one mg/ml of the sweeteners turned the bacteria toxic.

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